Councillors and Clerk
The Chair for Hothfield Parish Council is Mr Ian Lloyd to contact him directly please call: 07905 422 862. All other members of the parish council can be contacted via the Parish Clerk.
Mrs Penny Sutcliffe, Mr Graham Cox, Mr Martyn Pollock, Mr Simon Brock, Mr Gary Bowker & Mr S Jepheart
There are currently vacancies for a parish councillor, for more details please contact the parish clerk or any member of the parish council.
To view all Councillors' Hothfield Parish Councillors Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, please click here.
The Ashford Borough Council (Upper Weald) member for Hothfield is Cllr. Mrs Clair Bell, Tel: 07970 885065
Contact the Parish Clerk:
Mrs M Norris, Fairview Lodge, Bowl Road, Charing, Kent, TN27 0NH.
Tel: 07595 310815